Emergency Preparedness
Emergency Preparedness
In the event of a disease outbreak or natural disaster we assist other local emergency response teams in the coordination of medical care such as mass dispensing medications, vaccines, and other nursing services.
Our agency is an active participant in local, regional, and state bioterrorism and disaster preparedness programs. Our personnel attend training on a regular basis to ensure an efficient and professional response to emergencies in Montgomery County.
We are prepared to assist with environmental hazard emergencies such as a food truck wreck, ensuring the food is disposed of or taken care of properly.
Prepare Yourself for Disasters

We encourage the community to be “Ready in 3” – an emergency preparedness program that focuses on three steps you can take to prepare for many kinds of emergencies. Emergencies can strike anytime. A tornado, a flood or even a terrorist attack can change lives. Take steps today to prepare for an emergency!
The Ready in 3 program was created by the Department of Health & Senior Services. Their website has a great number of helpful resources and printable guides to help you prepare. Follow the link below:
Severe Weather
Severe weather can happen at any time. Threats include tornado, thunderstorms, high winds, flooding, drought, and a number of other severe weather conditions. Help your family remain safe by preparing for these threats ahead of time. You may find helpful information on preparing for severe weather at the following link: